Data Collection

We distributed this survey to our Maori community at the beginning of February in order to guide our future next steps. We tried a number of methods of distributing this survey to ensure we got a pleasing return rate. Staff were expected to drive this initiative as in the past we have found this to be a highly effective model. One of the major findings within this survey were that the majority of respondents indicated they wanted more local history, myths and legends and whakapapa taught at school. The Ka Hikitia team are aiming to incorporate them into our suggestions for an integrated and collaboratively planned tech programme. Whanau voice is imperative to what we are doing

"A productive partnership starts by understanding that Māori children and students are connected to whānau and should not be viewed or treated as separate, isolated or disconnected." (Ka Hikitia, Accelerating Success 2013-2017)

We are going to gather this information through Wananga so we can collaborate Kanohi ki te kanohi. We know that there is still indifference regarding our new syndicate and how the tech department can work more collaboratively with this new team but because there are a number of unanswered questions we believe this is the best method to show goodwill and to be able to share our genuine concerns and have our questions answered. We believe that by completing this process kanohi ki te kanohi we can come to a collective agreement and build toward achieving a shared vision. 

We believe this survey would be possible through Google Forms delivery but it is important that the classroom teacher spends time outlining the importance of the form, why the students are completing it and making themselves available to answer any questions they have once they have started. Student voice is a vital component of 21st Century learning so they must believe their input is valued. 


Once the tech staff and Ka Hikitia staff have begun work on their collective vision it is also vital to gather our our whanau voice too. Most staff at Gisint have a classroom blog therefore they are able to embed these types of surveys into their blogs or share the form via email, It is important for our senior management teams to set an expectation of 100% or as close to 100% return rate. 

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