Engagement Plan and Overview

The Community groups that we will engage with during our Inquiry project are:

Te Ka Hikitia Roopu 

The Te Kahikitia Roopu was the group that discussed the need for better communication and integration between the tech syndicate and our New Lens Syndicate, so that between us we would provide better educational outcomes for the children.

Senior Management 

We discussed the feasibility of this syndicate coming to fruition with this group.  We discussed different scenario's on how it would look, run and be set up.  We discussed the need for it and looked at the facts behind why we needed it.  They have been included in every step of this proposal so far.

Lead Team 

This group was consulted with before it was taken to the board of trustees.  As lead teachers within our school, they needed to know what this proposal was about and why it was being proposed by Te Ka Hikitia group.

Board of Trustees 

This group was engaged as they are the Leaders of our School.  It was important to have the backing of the BOT.  They were extremely positive about the proposal and could see the benefits for our school.

Tech Team 

This group will be consulted with early Term 4 to have a Kanohi ki te Kanohi hui (face to face meeting) to discuss how we can collaborate and integrate Tech into our New Lens Syndicate more effectively.  We (Te Ka Hikitia Roopu) have met with Head of Tech and discussed the above.  But we want all parties present to make sure everyone can be represented and have imput.

Whole School Staff
This group will be consulted for their input about how to integrate tech into the New Lens proposal and to let the whole staff know about the New Lens proposal.  

Our students both current and potential
These groups will be consulted on what they would like to learn about in each of the 5 current tech disciplines but would also be given the opportunity to feedback on what tech they would prefer if a sixth option was created. 

Through wananga or kanohi ki te kanohi whanau will be consulted about their aspirations and Hope for their tamaiti

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