In 2016 the establishment of a syndicate promoted by the Gisborne Intermediate Ka Hikitia Roopu to teach within Te Ao Maori and Tikanga Maori is to be piloted. This syndicate will use culturally responsive pedagogies to engage our priority learners in relevant and meaningful learning experiences.
We have chosen to focus our inquiry on developing a positive,
collaborative and integrated relationship with our TechArt staff.
After an informal discussion with the HOD of TechArts department, Mrs Raewyn Hunt, a number of potential barriers and misunderstandings were identified. We wish to address these issues.
- Difficulties in building quality relationships due to time constraints (9 x 1.5 hour lessons only)
- School Timetable - does not allow for great flexibility, ever increasing number of classrooms means continual structural change, tech has a strong influence over classroom timetabling, our 6 day timetable is very restrictive.
- Tech programme is a one size fits all model - does this meet the varied learning styles and needs of our children?
- Inequality regarding our school's current PD focus on 21st Century learning and the pedagogical shift needed. 1/5 staff at the beginning of the year was confident with the skills necessary to teach in this way.
- Timetable also means classes are mixed - class dynamics and relationships are often unpredictable. Not enough data or accurate data is available early on in the year when classes are established.
- Resourcing - New Ideas, who is funding new programmes? Number of kids vs physical space and availability of physical resources, Osh requirements, 19th Century tools to teach 21st Century lessons.
- Lack of respect and understanding for each other's roles and what they entail ie planning ideas (Tech vs Classroom) (Kaupapa Maori
- Miscommunication and lack of whole staff communication which leads to assumptions and deficit theorising. as a result of following school processes. By following the Kaupapa Maori Principle 'kaupapa' and undertaking it through wananga this issue could have been alleviated or not been an issue at all.
- Inconsistent support between tech staff and classroom - for example when behaviors arise teachers can feel out out by having their children returned. Through greater reciprocal support these challenges could be alleviated - Through the Kaupapa Maori Principle 'Whanau' the classroom teacher has a greater connection therefore it makes sense that they contact home if issues arise in tech to achieve a more positive outcome for all parties. This also follow the Kaupapa Maori Principle 'Ata' growing respectful relationships through having each others backs.
1: How can we build a strong collaborative working relationship between our NewLens syndicate and the TechArts Department?
2: Can we design an integrated tech programme that best fits the
New Lens philosophy as outlined in the document below as well as fostering
greater collaboration between our syndicate and tech.
3: How to engage our communities to ensure their aspirations and skills are reflected and utilized.
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