
So far we have sought Feedback from:
Raewyn Hunt - Head of Tech
We asked her about the problems that face tech and discussed possible solutions for these.  We introduced our Inquiry project and asked if we could hui (kanohi ki te kanohi) with the whole team to discuss these problems and possible solutions.

Conrad Smith - Deputy Principal
We approached Conrad to give us feedback on our inquiry project and to let him know of our intentions for our inquiry. Conrad is a big advocate for our new sydnicate and is able to add his expertise in terms of data as one of his jobs in his role is to put together the reports for reporting purposes as well as informing our next steps. Conrad is able to provide a neutral and non biased perspective.

Glen Udall - Principal

Glen was told about our inquiry project where we discussed perceived issues from tech and issues from classroom teachers point of view.   He was able to give us his point of view in terms of logistics and timetabling etc...
We've asked Glen to be present at our meeting with Tech teachers to facilitate the meeting and to ensure there is transparency across all levels. 

Tech staff and Ka Hikitia Staff
We look forward to meeting in the first week back of term 4 to further investigate how this tech/classroom collaborative programme could look. We have had feedback from our other Ka Hikitia team members that this is a great opportunity to enlighten the staff about the ins and outs of a programme of this nature.

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